Course Reserve Policy

Print and electronic reserves are used for supplementary resources for class assignments. Faculty may place their personal resources and or library resources on reserve.

Books, book chapters, articles, media, course assignments, etc can be placed on print or electronic reserves. Please allow at least two weeks for the Library to process your reserve requests before using the resource in a class assignment.


Print Reserves:

  1. Materials owned by the Library may be placed on reserve for one semester without obtaining copyright clearance.
  2. Copyright permissions may need to be obtained prior to posting content that Library does not own.
  3. Reposting of the same material for use in a subsequent semester requires a new permission.
  4. For photocopied material, no more than one copy of a chapter or less than 10% of a book, or one copy of an article per journal issue may be placed on reserve without seeking copyright permission.  If additional articles or chapters are needed and the Library owns the journal or book, the entire issue or book may be placed on reserve.
  5. Publications in which the faculty member is the sole owner of copyright may be posted for course reserve.

Electronic Reserves:

  1. All materials placed on e-reserve must have a full bibliographic citation.  Items without this information will not be placed on e-reserve.
  2. Only original or licensed copies of works may be placed on electronic reserve. Copyright permissions may need to be obtained prior to posting content. Reposting of the same material for use in a subsequent semester requires a new permission.
  3. One article per journal issue may be scanned and placed on e-reserve. No more than one chapter or less than 10% of a book may be placed on e-reserve.  If additional articles or chapters are needed and the Library owns the journal or book, the entire issue or book may be placed on traditional reserve.  For electronic journals subscribed to by the Library, we can generally create an e-reserves link to any number of articles.* *Unless our license with the vendor specifically prohibits this.**
  4. Materials owned by the Library may be posted for one semester without obtaining copyright.
  5. Coursepacks are not eligible for electronic reserve.
  6. Publications in which the faculty member is the sole owner of copyright may be posted on e-reserve.
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