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FACULTY: Flipping Out over Flipped Classrooms

Late last week, our Unit was approached by a faculty member from Morehouse College who had the excellent idea to flip her classroom.  A Flipped Classroom is “a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed.”  (Educause)

Source: Knewton
Source: Knewton

The professor is team-teaching her introductory biology course and wanted to give the students more hands-on help and attention by having them do their “homework” assignments and lab activities in the classroom where she is present to help, and have the students review the lectures (which she will pre-record in Camtasia) in the evening during their usual homework time.

flipped-classroom - concept

Flipped Classrooms are becoming increasingly popular as faculty begin to realize how this pedagogical model can help them to best harness the power of faculty-student face-to-face time.  We are excited to help our faculty member with the technological logistics of her new endeavor and will post again with a progress report about how her semester is progressing.

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