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Multimedia Resources

Anyone learning multimedia production will inevitably hit a few roadblocks in their projects. Luckily, there are many resources available, both in the AUC Woodruff Library, and online generally. Here are a few resources you can check as you learn to take pictures, edit video, and record audio.

Video Production & Post Production DSLR Video Shooter – This site is chocked full of great DSLR info, with high-quality interviews and a great gear guide. However, the real highlight here is the top-quality video tutorials, video product reviews, and podcasts.

The Best Free Resources for Budding Videographers https://sproutvideo.com/blog/the-best-free-resources-for-budding-videographers.html

Sixteen free Adobe Premiere Circle Transitions https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/free-circle-transitions-for-video-editing/

Film and Video Jobs

Mandy: “We have a detailed directory of 100,000+ production companies, film makers, production crews and equipment.”

Creative Cow Careers: “List of available jobs and also the ability to post your resume and go job hunting!”

Film & TV Pro: “The #1 networking and jobs resource for film and TV professionals.”

Resources for background music and sound effects:

Jamendo: https://www.jamendo.com/?language=en

Free Sound: https://freesound.org/browse/tags/music/

Game Sounds: https://gamesounds.xyz/

Zapsplat: http://www.zapsplat.com

CC Trax: https://cctrax.com/

FreeSFX: https://www.freesfx.co.uk/

Dig CC Mixter: http://dig.ccmixter.org/

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