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What is “E-Learning Technologies”, anyway?

Our unit has a lofty title.

When you first heard it, do you envision people sitting around with headsets on, talking about IT and servers? Did you think, “Huh?” or “What’s that?” Were you simply confused?

elt wordcloud

Don’t fret or believe your thinking is out-of-order. “E-Learning Technologies” (ELT, hereafter) is not a common, well-worn term – it’s new. Ask ten different Library staff members what it means and you’ll get ten different answers. The ambiguity of our unit name is both a gift and challenge – we get to define our work and worth, but we also expend energy explaining our purpose and function.

Here’s how different ELT staff members defined our unit’s name:

E-Learning is about assisting faculty, students, and staff in incorporating new technologies into their teaching and learning in a way that enhances their library experience and is done in a seamless, easy-to-use, helpful manner.  – Emy Nelson Decker, MA, MLIS, Unit Head

E-Learning Technologies promotes the use of technology in the academic community, specifically the AUC, by providing professional equipment and software and operating as a support system for faculty, staff, and students. This is a challenging question. We do so much. – Ann’Drea Burns, Library Technical Assistant

We are lucky in the ELT unit – we have a snazzy name to use while we go about a vital task – supporting learning through technology. Our name isn’t meant to confuse, but to define and empower us to work toward our Library’s mission.

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